Bill Gates to Speak at 2017 Rotary Convention

I am thrilled to announce that Bill Gates will be speaking this June at the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta. Rotary and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have been working together on polio eradication for a long time, and our strong partnership will continue through the final years of the effort.

Bill and his wife, Melinda, in their much-anticipated Annual Letter, released today, offer a glimpse of their appreciation for Rotary and the incredible progress we’ve made toward polio eradication through our joint effort with national governments, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With the most effective resources in place, it’s possible that we have seen, or soon will see, the last case of polio in history. At the convention, Bill will say more about how we can — and will — end polio together.

I hope you will join me and Bill at the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 10-14 June. This is one speaker you’re not going to want to miss. Register now.

John F. Germ
2016-17 RI President

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