Mr. Apple Discovers The Four-Way Test

This is a guest post by Wallis Zbitnew, Rotary member, past club president ((District 5550),and author of Mr. Apple Discovers the Four-Way Test. Tell us how you're helping make history in the fight to end polio, and we may feature your story next! 

There is an idom  To kill two birds with one stone. Sounds harsh, but that is what I had in mind when I wrote Mr. Apple Discovers The Four-Way Test. I wanted to accomplish two goals simultaneously, the first  to share The Four-Way Test worldwide. When I became a Rotarian, this test resonated deep within me. I knew there had to be a serious, yet light-hearted way to present it to the whole world so they could see the value of this universal ethical guideline for living a life of integrity.

The second goal was near and dear to my heart as well, to provide a means to raise funds for polio eradication. Mr. Apple Discovers The Four-Way Test accomplishes both goals.

During the 2018 Rotary International Convention in Toronto,  I was able to give away 648 signed books at the PolioPlus booth, while inviting recipients to contribute to PolioPlus. They could place donation into the large square plastic container at the booth. I am sure the contributions totalled several thousand dollars as I noticed $5, $10, and even $50 bills fly into the transparent container.  

Individual Rotary clubs have ordered and can still order boxes of 54 books which can be purchased at for the Rotary rate of $5 per book and sold individually by club members to raise funds for polio eradication. The amount raised increases after the e Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 2:1 match.

Past RI President Wilfred Wilkinson wrote in the Foreword, " I enjoyed every page of every chapter and I think everyone will, particularily if they are a Rotarian."

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