New Online Giving Platform Improves Donation Process for End Polio Now

You can now make online contributions toward ending polio directly on the website and it’s easier than ever before.

Technology and online giving have come a long way over the years, and many donors are more comfortable using the Internet to make donations to their favorite charities. Rotary has responded to these trends by improving its online giving platform to make the donation process easy to use, more efficient, and secure*. Plus, the new platform works seamlessly on all devices, so donations can be made on your tablet or smartphone devices.

Rotary plans on expanding the online giving platform’s capabilities to allow clubs to enter contributions online on behalf of multiple club members. But if you prefer to make a donation by mail, Rotary will continue to accommodate checks and multiple donor forms.

Donate today at Remember to sign in (or create) a My Rotary account in order track your giving record. You can update your personal information and access your Member Dashboard through My Rotary as well.

* All information that is exchanged for payment is SSL encrypted. This data cannot be detected, intercepted, or used by third parties. Credit card data is not stored on Rotary's computer systems.

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