Clubs break records during World Polio Day

A record number of clubs and districts registered events in 2017 around World Polio Day, 24 October, when Rotary shines the spotlight on our top goal of eradicating polio through events, fundraising, and a live-stream update with global health experts and celebrities.

More than 3,670 clubs registered World Polio Day events in 102 countries, with more than 2,900 of those events outside the U.S. and Canada.

Clubs and districts in Brazil staged the largest coordinated effort, with the most registered projects in a single country for the second year in a row at 1,005 projects, a 200 percent increase over 2016. Some Brazilian clubs held polio-themed walks, runs, bicycle races, and soccer tournaments, while others gave interviews on local radio and television stations or organized lectures for health officials about polio.

Giving to End Polio Now also surpassed last year, with online donations of more than $335,000. We received $105,000 in online donations on World Polio Day itself, surpassing last year’s single-day donations.Rotary increased its social media reach by 38 percent and its engagements (actions taken on social media) by 458 percent. In traditional media, more than 650 stories were in newspapers of all sizes.

You can still register your World Polio Day 2017 event. Start planning your 2018 event with these tools

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