Partners & Ambassadors

By working together with our partners, governments, and communities around the world, we’ve immunized over 2.5 billion children in 122 countries.

Our Partners

The fight to end polio is led by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), which includes Rotary, UNICEF, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Gates Foundation, and governments of the world, with the support of many others around the globe.
  • Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

    Gavi uses innovative finance mechanisms to secure sustainable funding and an adequate supply of quality vaccines. Gavi supports the inclusion of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) in routine immunization programs and the strengthening of health systems in Gavi-supported countries.
  • Rotary

    Rotary uses its members’ skills and passion to build awareness, fundraise, and encourage governments to donate to and support polio eradication efforts. Over one million Rotary members have volunteered their time and resources to help end polio.
  • The Gates Foundation

    The Gates Foundation is the largest private source of funding for the GPEI. For every $1 donated to End Polio Now, up to $50 million per year, it gives $2 for polio eradication. It provides technical support and invests in research to enhance polio vaccines, surveillance, and outbreak response.
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    The CDC deploys epidemiologists, public health experts, and scientists to investigate outbreaks of polio, identify the strain of poliovirus involved, and pinpoint its geographic origin.

    UNICEF buys polio vaccine and manages its distribution. The agency spreads the word about the benefits of vaccination to gain community acceptance. On the ground, field workers immunize children with the help of local health workers and volunteers.
  • World Health Organization

    WHO coordinates the management and administration of the GPEI and provides technical and operational support to ministries of health around the world. WHO is responsible for monitoring our progress and strategic planning.

Our Ambassadors

As we continue to make progress toward a polio-free world, many public figures and celebrities have signed on to help Rotary spread the word.
Ade Adepitan
Polio survivor, BBC contributor, and 2005 Gold medal winner - Paralympic World Cup
Angelique Kidjo
Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador
Shigeru Omi (尾身 茂)
Past WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific Region

Why Are More Funds Needed?

Why More Funds

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How to Help