World Polio Day 2023 Highlights

More than 4,000 clubs organized over 6,300 World Polio Day actions in 115 countries this year. We want to especially celebrate Districts 4455, 4170, 4700, 4590, and 4380 for having the highest percentage of clubs register a World Polio Day action.

The dedication, passion, and generosity of Rotary members in the effort to eradicate polio is unparalleled. From publishing a crime fiction anthology to hosting a race with runners in T-Rex costumes, Rotary members found even more new and creative ways this year to raise awareness and funds to end polio.

Do you have a great story or photos from your club’s World Polio Day event? Share it with us!

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Total clubs registered – 4,209 clubs

Total actions registered– 6,388 actions

Past District Governor Alberto Camacaro Zerpa and club President Auristher Pinto, members of clubs in District 4380, participate in a radio interview about Rotary’s efforts to eradicate polio.

Top districts by percentage of clubs registered

1. District 4455 (Peru) – 88.89%

2. District 4170 (Mexico) – 88.19%

3. District 4700 (Brazil) – 88.16%

4. District 4590 (Brazil) – 88.09%

5. District 4380 (Venezuela) – 84.72%

Members of the Rotary Club of Chiang Mai Nawrat, Thailand, celebrate World Polio Day 2023 with a campaign to raise awareness in the community.

Top countries by total clubs registered

1. Brazil – 1,028 clubs

2. Mexico – 519 clubs

3. United States – 489 clubs

4. Peru – 236 clubs

5. Nigeria – 232 clubs

Rotary and Rotaract members from District 9125 in Nigeria celebrate World Polio Day 2023 by participating in an End Polio Now walk to raise awareness in the community.

Read our recent stories about the fight to end polio

Polio’s hidden figures in Tuskegee

Polio update: Closing in on zero

Combating polio around the world

A flight to fight polio

Pens against polio

Climbing mountains for those who can’t

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